Read all about NYC based designer Tolulope Aremu
(Tolulope Aremu/Freelance Designer + Assist. Designer/Production at Chromat)
1. Where do you tend to find inspiration for your work or passion projects?
I feel like inspiration is everywhere; in the streets, in the art, in my heart. I do always draw from my Nigerian background and immigrant upbringing. I feel like that comes naturally because it is me. But when I do find inspiration from elsewhere, it is crucial that I educate myself in the history and always give credit to the inspiration. There’s a big difference between “inspiration”and “appropriation”.

2. How would you describe your personal style?
I’d describe my personal style is ever evolving with me. It’s kinda a mix between a girly girl and tomboy. I mean I grew up playing basketball so baggy, comfortable clothes were my life. But as I got older and more comfortable with my body, clothes got tighter and hems got higher. But my over-aching theme is comfortability and confidence in whatever I’m wearing. period.

3. Who would you say has been your biggest influence- style wise?
I’d have to say Solange and Michelle Obama. Solange because she is the younger sibling that grew from the shadows of Beyonce. She carved out her own personal style that is so unique to her, her aesthetic, and her music. I just love way she styled herself, videos, and photo shoots. Like come on?! Have you seen her wedding pictures?! Forever Our First Lady Michelle Obama because she was the first and only First Lady I saw who looked like me, had buff arms like me, and world found her sexy and powerful. That made me feel more confident and secure with my buff arms because they were beautiful and presidential.

6. Personal Motto?
Too Blessed to be Stressed.
Have life and enjoy it in abundance, until it overflows.

8. Favorite Piece of Jewelry? (We'd love to hear about something special/specific to you-- a gift you received from a great friend, a sentimental heirloom, your first big purchase, etc).
My Late Grandmother’s Ring. My grandmother, on my mother’s side, passed away in 2018. She was a very loud, hilarious, ostentatious woman who wore big, loud jewelry. When she passed, my mother and I split her rings. I wear one everyday so when I look at my hands, she’s always looking back at me.