Five questions with
Design Publicist and founder of Wolf PR, Nora Wolf. A former Chicagoan,
Nora is now based in New York, and is one of the hosts for the New York Creative Social Concern, an organization connecting designers to each other and new bars.
1. Where do you find design inspiration?
NW: Oh my gosh, everywhere! Aesthetically- living in NYC means that while I'm exposed to some pretty crappy new architecture, we also have a lot of old gems. Give me an art deco building any day. Systematically- inspiration comes from my everyday life. When you live in such a dense city, it has a lot of problems. Every New Yorker has ideas on how to improve the design of our streets, public transit, etc. And there are always other cities that are doing it better; there is a lot to learn from each other!
2. How would you describe your style?
NW: 70's-fall-lover-weirdo

What advice would you give someone who wants to get into your profession?
NW: Prioritize research and write emails you'd want to receive. This advice is basically industry agnostic, and I think this is good universal advice. For people specifically trying to become a design publicist, I would advise they run in the other direction! I kid. Kind of. Media is a tough industry, and it's no secret that a lot of publications just don't exist anymore. The ones that are left may want you to pay money before they write about you. True journalism is going the way of the dodo, which means every day you have to hustle REALLY hard. Truly though, editors will always write about something that excites them, so if you want to be a publicist, choose good clients that are doing interesting things and that take really good photos.

4. What is your personal motto?
NW: Opportunities look like hard work.
5. What is your favorite thing to do in Chicago?
NW: I visit Chicago at least once a year. I love second hand shopping down Milwaukee, and walking the 606, but my favorite is visiting my friends who still live there.
Bonus Question: Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry?
NW: My grandma once gave me a set of rings from Claire's, and I wore them nonstop for almost 15 years before they started breaking. I sent the last one that survived to a jewelry maker friend of mine so she could recreate them in silver. Now I have a recreation of these cheap rings in a slightly better material. They were from my grandma and re-made by a friend... what could be better!
NW: My grandma once gave me a set of rings from Claire's, and I wore them nonstop for almost 15 years before they started breaking. I sent the last one that survived to a jewelry maker friend of mine so she could recreate them in silver. Now I have a recreation of these cheap rings in a slightly better material. They were from my grandma and re-made by a friend... what could be better!

Many thanks to the ever-inspiring Nora for finding the time to chat with us! Have someone you'd like to see interviewed for our Five for Friday feature? Let us know via email or our contact us page.